Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bribing time has come - although I would prefer to call it reinforcement time. Colson turns four this Sunday and still chooses not to sing the ABC's. We decided we would encourage him with a little truck. So we have been practicing day after day and song after song. I will warn you now that musical talent is not very prominent in our family.


Nicole Casey said...

I love that kid. He is so stinkin cute. He is doing so well! I think you guys should have a sleepover the next time marcus is out of town

thecapedhappyender said...


Watching that was one of the best moments of my week! I am trying to recall another time I heard him sing anything and I can't. He and Lanse both. It makes it x10 grander when we are privledged, wouldn't you say. Oh, he is so cute and great and watching that makes me so homesick. I want to be a better Aunt. I do love your children so.

Sending Birthday Wishes to a very special four year old,